Fraxel® Skin Resurfacing
Most of us wish we could slow down the effect that aging has on our looks and maybe even get a few years back in the process.
Fraxel® is a proven laser technology that can help reverse the visible effects of aging, naturally helping you look as young as you feel. With Fraxel®, change isn’t drastic or scary. It’s you, just younger.
Fraxel is Effective On
Fine Lines and Wrinkles: Including crow’s feet and brow lines
Surface Scarring: Erases the effects of acne and other scarring
Pigmentation: Minimizes the appearance of age spots
Sun Damage: Helps to heal dangerous skin damage
Actinic Keratosis (AK): A common pre-cancerous skin condition

Treatment Facts and Guidelines
Fraxel treatments usually last between 15-45 minutes
Fraxel works with your body’s natural skin cells, so results typically take 1-3 weeks to
take effect.
Treatment Regimen
Most patients see the best results with 1-5 Fraxel Treatments
Most Fraxel patients report the sensation of a “light sunburn” immediately after treatment, but treatment plans can vary, so ask your physician about the specifics of your treatment.